Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Arad Mud Soap

I have been battling mild adult acne for the past year and let me tell you, it is not fun. I hate standing in the facial cleanser aisle at the store trying to guess which product is right for me. It is a waste of time and money and I really don’t know what I am looking for. So I bit the bullet and finally went to see a skin specialist who could help me get into a better skin regimen.

I visited this specialist last year in Bradford. Her name is Mia and she owns The Bradford Skin Clinic right by my house. Last year, I purchased a facial cleanser from her by Arad. Arad is a line of Dead Sea skin products. I remember it working very well, so I went back in to have a chat with her about my current state of skin.
I explained my skin woes to Mia who listened intently and reassured me my face would look amazing for my wedding in October.

After going through a skin assessment and questionnaire, she advised I get a series of chemical peels. I had never had a chemical peel before, and it sounded frightening and painful but was reassured when I found out that a clay peel (which is the one she prescribed for me) was actually a very quick 2 step procedure that does not involve any down time whatsoever. The clay peels help with sun damage, acne and wrinkles.
So I went last night for my first ever peel. She started off by cleansing my face of all my makeup. The next thing she did was put a layer of clay on my face. It hardened in about 5 minutes and then she wiped it all away. It felt pretty good afterwards. The second step of the procedure was a little more uncomfortable. She applied the actual peel on my face. It felt very tingly and hot, like an army of ants were crawling on my skin. This was the part of the process where I could actually feel my pores tightening and working to get rid of the impurities. Thankfully that layer was only on for about 2 minutes and then she wiped it all off. I was pretty red afterwards (normal) and she calmed down the redness with some moisturizer and cover up.

My skin already feels tighter and looks better. I have another one booked for next week and will probably be getting a few before the wedding. It takes a few peels before you really start to notice the changes.

Before I left, I also purchased a very inexpensive bar of facial mud soap from the Arad line. I used it last night and this morning and it made my face feel really soft.  It acted like a sponge soaking up all the oil off my face. Hopefully with more use, I will stop having such bad breakouts. Mia said since my skin is super sensitive, it’s not good for me to be using products with such harsh perfumes and exfoliates.
I hope by the time this series of peels are over, my face will be in a beautiful, glowing, state.

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