Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dye My Locks Please

It's Sunday night. I just dyed my hair out of a box because I am tired of making trips to the salon every month just because my colour is fading. Boy is it hard to find the right colour! I think the colour is a bit too dark, thankfully it is only a 28 wash one so it can fade a little. I love dying my own hair, it makes me feel refreshed, renewed and confident! It's truly amazing how much a hair colour can really change the way you feel and the way others perceive you.

I have dyed my hair blonde countless times and I always feel more fun and outgoing when I do. I also find I get a lot more attention and I feel like people treat me more delicately (like a teenager or little girl). When my hair is dark however, I feel like I look older and I instantly feel more mature and serious. Whether or not it is all in my head or not, I do feel like hair colour says a lot about you and your personality.

I admit that I will only ever use a boxed dye if I am doing a dark colour. Dying my own hair blonde would be a huge mistake since I do not have the right tools for toning. The thing I love most about dying my own hair at home is the conditionders that come in the box for after use. I don't know what magical ingredients they put in those things but they always makes my hair feel wonderful, bouncy and soft. My hair always looks so shiny and glossy after using it the week after my dye job. I am now on a mission to find out where I can buy these conditioners in full sized bottles. If you have any insider tips on this, please help a sister out!

Before I used to always use permanent dye when dying my own hair, but from now on I am only using the demi-permanent/28 day wash out ones. I have come up with my own list of reasons to use non-permanent dye as opposed to permanent:

  • You have used the colour before
  • You have stubborn grey hairs that won't stop coming back
  • You know you will keep the colour for a while
  • You are indeceisive about which colour you want
  • You want to experiment
  • You want a quick, short change
  • You want to freshen up the look of your hair
Have you ever dyed your own hair? How did it turn out?


  1. I LOVE your dark hair! I use to colour my own hair in the early high school years and then I went salon style. Now, I don't colour my hair but I'm afraid I'm going to have to start because I have 2 pesky WHITE hairs right down my middle part. That's right white hairs, they aren't even grey. Gah. I don't want to start colouring my hair again because my hair is SO healthy without it. So for now, I just cut those suckers out!

    And I agree- the conditioner in the colour box is so good!

  2. Thanks Sio!
    I hate those pesky grey strands....makes me feel so old!! Wahhh. Good call on plucking out. Maybe use the root touch up from Nice N' Easy, those ones will be less rough on your natural hair :)
