Monday, June 25, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

I was tagged by my friend and fellow blogger, Siobhan McCarthy last week for the One Lovely Blog award. So here are the rules:
  • Post the award logo and picture on your blog and link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Tell seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate up to 15 additional bloggers whom you think deserve the award.
  • Post a comment on the blog of each nominee to tell them they have been nominated!
1 –I have the most adorable little tuxedo kitten named Felix. He is 4 months old and Eric and I adopted him last month from a cat shelter. He is honestly the sweetest thing and lights up my entire day. Having a pet makes my world complete. There’s nothing like feeling needed and loved.
2 – I am a huge morning person. Coffee helps a little, but I am naturally really bright and eager in the morning. It’s a fresh start and a new beginning, Carpe Diem!
3 – I am a Leo, born on July 26th; I display all characteristics of a true Leo: ambitious, bossy, stubborn, charismatic, and posh.
4- I am a secret (or not so secret actually) Bridezilla in waiting. My strong opinions and beliefs about weddings stem from my childhood dreams of finding a prince charming and marrying him just like in the fairytales and Disney movies. I am 6.5 years in, so hopefully my ring is coming soon!
5 – In high school, I was part of a fake band called “Pink Plastic”. I was the lead singer!
6 – I am a dancer, forever and always. While I don’t do it as often as when I was younger I feel that dance will always be part of me in some way or another. Dance is my center! I feel most relaxed and at peace when I am dancing.
7 – I don’t have a middle name and I feel very incomplete without one!

Noteworthy Blogs!!
Siobhan McCarthy – Sio is one of my greatest friends! She is also a runner, a seamstress, a cheerleader and fitness blogger! Check out her awesome blog, where she shares her recipes, fitness tips, product reviews and more!
Charm Addict – I recently got into Pandora bracelets and have become obsessed with collecting charms. This blog talks about all the rare and unique charms available and how you can obtain them.
Melissa Goes Australian – My friend Melissa is currently studying in the land down under obtaining her masters in convergent media! Check out her blog on all her crazy Australian updates!
How to Raise a Boyfriend - I recently finished reading the book “How to Raise a Boyfriend” and found myself in stitches over Rebecca Eckler’s tell-it-like-it-is guide book on how to deal with clueless men. Single mother of 6 -year -old Rowan, Eckler compares the behavior of Rowan to men she has dated in the past. This hilarious book has great tidbits and advice on how to cope with some of the unfavorable character flaws in men. In response to all the great feedback from the book, she now has a blog dedicated to the book. Definitely worth checking out


  1. Morning riser and Coffee loving twins!! I'm all about waking up early! Thanks for the noteworthy blog shout out! I'm definitely going to check out the other blogs you named! Thanks for the new reads!
