Monday, July 23, 2012

Clean and Clear - Semi Under Control!

It's summer. It's hot, hazy, humid and just plain sticky. With this heat, my face can't stop sweating! (Gross!) In the past few weeks with temperatures rising to above 40 degrees, my face somehow transformed into a graveyard for blackheads and dirt, thus causing a lot of breakouts. The worst was last weekend while at an outdoor concert, my face got too much sun. The next day my whole face felt like someone stretched a piece of leather over it and more pimples started to form. The dehydration plus all the dirt and oil had taken its toll. I had to do something!

Since I am on a bit of a budget these days, I decided to forgo the expensive trip to Sephora and went to Shoppers Drug Mart instead to see what I could find for my face. This is where I sat 20 minutes in the moisturizer section looking for a facial moisturizer that had/combatted:

-SPF 15 (or higher)
-Sensitive skin

And could you believe, there was not ONE product that did all of these things? Sheesh! I thought we lived in a consumer's market here. Anyways, I ended up having a hard time deciding on the right one for me because not all of them did everything I wanted.

I decided to go for Clean and Clear's Dual Action Moisturizer. It's oil free (which is good for my sensitive skin) and treats and prevents pimples. I remember using this back when I was in high school and it worked wonders for me back then. It was only $8.99 for a 118mL bottle.

Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer

The downside is that there is no SPF 15 or antiwrinkle properties in this one. Oh well. I thought the current pimples on my face were more important than my non-existent wrinkles at the time. Besides, I can always use my Neutrogena SPF that I got in last month's Glossy Box after I use my moisturizer.

It's been about 5 days since I bought Clean and Clear and my face has definately improved. I love that there is salicylic acid in this moisturizer, it tingles as soon as it hits your face. And as the commercials used to always claim, that's how you know it's working!

If you are having trouble battling with breakouts this summer and are looking for a budget friendly product to help out, I would surely reccommend the Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer. Your face will see sunnier days.

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